A luxurious pouffe created by the talented Danish designer, Rikke Frost-Grace is a contemporary take on the decadence of yesteryear. The pouffe will add atmosphere and texture to any modern interior. Its elegant and sophisticated design makes Grace an ideal extra seat in a living room or a very tasteful foot stool!
- Manufacturer: Warm Nordic
- Design: Rikke Frost
- Colour: Amber
- Diameter: 77 cm
- Height: 45 cm
- Materials: Textile, foam, wood
- Upholstery fabric: Ritz 1688 (Nevotex)
Availability: Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery of this item within Europe.
***Please note that for orders destined for the UK, there will be a 6-8 week lead-time for upholstered items due to the UK furniture regulations. Please feel free to contact our team at hello@storeen.ie for more information.